Wednesday, June 15, 2005

1800 miles in 9 days!!

woot woot!!... i was out in MO/KS for the week visiting Jish, Rob, Fluffy and the rest and to attend Sammy Boys engagment!

The engagement was a fun time, and i put 1800 miles on the rental car in a period of 9 days... who'da thunk it? The only down side was the stupid speeding ticket i got at friggin 11.30 in the night on a highway that was pretty much empty :'(

Check out the all out goofy pic of me from the engagment =D

Oh and I got a new pass to Worlds of Fun!!! Sveet... now i need to make sure i exploit it at Cedar point as well! =D So any up for it ?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

web tools


their beta maps has just been the best!!! and to top it off they have a satellite view option.., and have now come up with Google Earth .... i can see the street i live on!!!!

oh and i also love Wikipedia for its plethora of random info that it has =D and i love that my trillian windows now incorporate wikipedia info