Monday, July 25, 2005

What next?

I was reading some articles on WebMD and happended to come across this: A testostrone patch for women to help increase their sexual appetite. This the kind of research by pharmaceutical companies that we over pay for on most other drugs?? I suppose its a blessing for those millions of women who have to fake it but really this over something that could actually prove to be more useful?? =S

Don't get me wrong, Im still a libertarian and am all for capatalism, but protection and extension of pharmaceutical patents by modifying one small aspect of it and calling in an entirely new entity would more closely align the act as a form of collusion by pharmaceutical companies.

Speaking of libertarianism I came across this article, a synopsis of a book named Bionomics that plays out on the intrinsicness of capitalism by pointing out the parallels between economics and biology.

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