Sunday, October 16, 2005

Good Times in T-Dot

I got to Toronto last night and crashed at Dhirens place. It was quite the experience for us getting coffee this morning. We finally convinced Saleha it was too cold to drive and went to a Timmys (no suprise there). Going thru the drive thru, the lady (whos obviously Indian) had the hardest time taking the order, to top its off she tells me to wait and then comes back a few minutes later askign me if she could take my order =S. We finally pull around to the window, pay for it and she asks us to pull over so she can bring it out. Pull out in this dinky lil parking lot and wait a whiles before she comes out to give us our stuff. And then as we begin to pull out of the lot we have this trucker who insists that hes gonan go thru first and comes charging at my car to stop inches away from where Dhiren was sititng. All this for a cup of coffee and a bagle !

We got around York for a while before we headed out downtown. Charming, very Chicago like, only more people living in an around down town. Dhiren thought Saleha and I were absolutely batty coz we wanted to get some Ice Cream. Who says one shouldn't eat icecream in the winter?

We dined at this Indo-chinese place which came with its very own chinaman that could talk in Hindi! Boy was that a hoot, apparently the guy was born and raised in India. Go figure! We conned our way up to the CN tower to get some after dinner drinks and get a view of the city. Boy was it breath taking, and we could see lights far out into the lake which we were told was Rochester, NY.

To end it all some good rose flavored sheesha.. mm good times!

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