Sunday, October 02, 2005

Wedding galore!

A wonderful start to the day getting under clothes for the groom (now remember this is a well kept secret). After the package was dropped off, Jeff and I went out into the city to go see Cheers! the facade from the outside is very similar, but the inside is nothing like the show however. Dodging traffic afteward however, we barely made it back, and we were starving. so I set of on a mission to get us some food. Now one would assume that when they see signs of the highway saying food this way, that its not too far off from the exit, but apparently in Boston none of them really are! I had to drive in nearly 7 miles to find a BurgerKing. (if you request the cardboard cup carriers order the small drinks, apparently they dont have the provisions to carry large drinks out) It would have really helped if the lady could have told me that to start with!

None the less made it back to the ceremony just in time. It was a beautiful ceremony, and Kate looked awesome in the saree as y'all can see. The pujari did an awesome job explaining to every one what each of the things were. heh.. I know I hadn't a clue what each of those things meant. Im sure it helped the larger non-Indian audience appreciate it more too.

Nitin howver, had to shell out $200 to buy back the shoes. In all fairness I think the girls really didn't do a very good job negotiating it. They could have gotten so much more. haha their loss!

A famished wedding party that we were, hungrily chowed down on the food before we were to change for the other ceremony, the other a simple ceremony at the parish afterwhich we had more pictures to take, followed by a an awesome reception and dinner. Ahh good times!

We wanted to pay a bell boy in the hotel to keep knocking on their door every 20 minutes, but Kate seemed to have kept it a well guarded secret, so much so that even Nitin didn't know where they were staying at!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovely post!! You both look beautiful together. Have recently went to my friend’s wedding at one of New York wedding venues. There I was very happy to see all these amazing preparations that were done by famous wedding vendors. Really loved that.