Monday, August 01, 2005

No more atkins ... the new low carb =D

As many of you remember, I'm soo against excessive forms of dieting. Diet in of itself should include a good balance of everything, cutting one part of it results in an unhealthy diet and more medical problems to deal with.
The Atkins diet crashes
The craze for the controversial low-carb Atkins diet is officially over after the company filed for bankruptcy.
...Devotees were encouraged to eat little carbohydrate and as much fat and protein as they liked. And so people across the world turned to bacon and eggs for breakfast in place of the usual dieter's menu of fruit or cereal.... more
Good gawd! yeah cut out carbs but feast on more cholestrol, and grease!! Its sheer madness I tell you. Another fad that faded out once they got to know Dr. Atkins was found to be Overweight. There were many a warning that it would cause greater heart and kidney disease but that was never taken into account by most dieters.

I wonder whats next on the horizon for the dieter

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