Friday, September 09, 2005

A change for the better?? .. a little to late?

After intense pressure the FEMA director has been stripped of his role as the head of the relief operation in the wake of Katrina. A lil too late I would say.. but I spsoe its a step in the right direction?
Director of FEMA Stripped of Role as Relief Leader
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 - Under intense pressure to improve its response to Hurricane Katrina, the Bush administration on Friday abruptly removed the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Michael D. Brown, from oversight of the post-storm relief effort, and replaced him with Vice Adm. Thad W. Allen of the Coast Guard... more

Its rather sad to see the role that the organization has been playing is not one that has yet made much of a difference to the lives of the victims.

Ophelia on the other hand has been raised to a hurricane again now that its wind speeds have picked up over 75mph.
Ophelia lingers in Atlantic, could threaten U.S. coast
FLAGLER BEACH, -- Ophelia regained hurricane strength Friday on a course that could take it into the U.S. coast, and forecasters urged residents of northern Florida and the Carolinas keep close watch on its path over the next few days.... more

As if Florida hasn't been plagues with enough in the last year. Makes me rather happy that I'm not in direct line for many natural disasters

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