Monday, September 26, 2005

Observations driving thru Pennsylvania

So, I was on my long drive from Michigan to NY today and decided to take good ole I-80 down, and here are a few random observations
- Real scenic drive thru the Pocono mountains and the Penn forest.
- NOBODY follows the speed limits of 65 miles an hour even thru rain with not the greatest visibility
- They have BIG dots in the middle of parts of the highway, to apparently help people pace themselves and NOT "Tailgate" the guy in front of you. Apparently we are to keep a two dot distance between us and the car in front of us =S and this just randomly pops up in parts of the highway and disappears after about a 3-4 mile strech.
-so many truckers that they have signs posted telling cars to keep alert because of the heavy truck traffic!

Overall though, it was a pretty nice drive thru.

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