Thursday, September 01, 2005

Leap, Martha. and Nate

As if Kartina wasn't bad enough there are more tropical storms brewring out that are causing a lot of anxiety to the people down south. The next few storms, of which the first is already been named is being watch very closely to follow its path.

Not to mention Gas prices have been soaring like none other, and predicted to end up as high as $4/gallon in some places! I miss not being home where gas prices don't fluctuate on a daily basis. *sigh*
Americans open their homes and wallets to help Katrina victims
...The Chatmans popped the trunk on their aging Oldsmobile and pulled out garbage bags bursting with baby formula, clothes, shoes, sheets, and food. The Baton Rouge family didn't know anyone affected by hurricane Katrina. But when they heard a local television station was a designated donation drop-off location, they gathered up all they could and headed into town... more

Its sad that its only in the wake of disaster do we become more human. The rat-race that we go thru every day de-humanizes so much so that no one ever really cares for another.

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