Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Time for a change?

This was an article that my friend Adi sent me a few minutes ago. Im not quite sure what to think of it, should I consider it a failure of the Indian government that need to revise the Marriage laws that they have, which state that for people to marry, the groom must be 21 and the bride atleast 19; or should it be one for womens lib for her taking matters into her own hands to get things done the way she reckons is the right thing to do because of parental disapproval.

Minor knot: Girl marries lover’s brother for 2 yrs

AHMEDABAD, SEPT 12: For Sneha Patel, a 19-year-old college-going girl, everything is fair in love. Even if it means signing a contract marriage with her minor boyfriend’s elder brother for the time being, an arrangement that will ultimately allow her to marry the man she loves two years later...more

Granted such laws were in place to protect people from the age old tradition of child marriage in India. I think they need to be revised once again!

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